DATA STRUCTURES LAB-23CS52 1. A) Write a program to implement the Searching Techniques – Linear & Binary Search. B) Develop a program to reverse a linked list iteratively and recursively. 2. A) Write a program to implement the circular queues with possible operations. B)Write a program to Implement a stack or queue to compare and check for symmetry of the given string. 3. A) Write a program to Implement a double-ended queue (deque) with essential operations. B)Write a program to check for balanced parentheses using a stack. 4. A) Write a program to implement Sorting Techniques – Selection Sort. B) Implementing a BST using a Linked List and performing the insertion and deletion of an element . 5. A) Write a program to Implement a circular linked list and perform insertion, deletion, and traversal. B)Write a program to evaluate a postfix expression using a stack. 6. A) Write a program to implement Sorting Techniques...